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Yakuza Crew

Yakuza Crew (or Yakuza Arterrorists) is a greek group of creative people variously connected to hiphop culture. The crew's main basis is graffiti, however,  yakuza members may interfere with hiphop music, breakdance, skateboard, architecture and fine arts.

Although single members have been active for more than ten years, the crew was created only back in 2008 by people living in different cities all over Greece  (Thessaloniki, Volos, Edessa, Nauplio, Athens, Epanomi and Kws). The purpose of this union was to test the interactions between diverse elements and space distance.

The resulted pluralism lead to creations from street and train bombing to legal wallpaintings, from wildstyle lettering to character design, from vandalism to a gallery's exhibition and vise versa. The purpose of this diversity is not to cover all issues, but to merge yakuza's shared style to different types of expression.

Yakuza's graffiti writers Rtmone, Spike, Sive, Amok, Risk, Rasel, Winte and Wake  share their love and creativity with artists  such as LarryGus, Anatropia and 12os Pithikos.

The crew is actually an open circle wich interacts with a wide range of interesting people, such as 50ki1, Zoltan Tribe, Plenty Projects, Tattooligans,  several graffiti crews and musicians.

Crew's links